Standard Terms of Business for Lessons 

Hi, Sheilagh here, I am a children’s Occupational Therapist and handwriting expert, and I am so excited that you are planning to join my handwriting lessons. Before you buy, there a few things you need to know about what you are purchasing, what you can expect, and the support you will get from Help with Handwriting. Please read the terms below and if you have any questions once you’ve finished, please do not hesitate to get in touch, and I would be happy to chat further.

Sheilagh x

1. Introduction

The terms and conditions set out below apply to your purchase of our services. Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under law and set out the terms under which Help with Handwriting Limited (“Help with Handwriting”, “we”, “us” or “our”), a company registered in England & Wales under company registration number 13759964, provide services to you. These terms are subject to any rights you have under consumer law to which we are bound to, and which cannot be waived.

2. Services

Help with Handwriting provides handwriting programmes and courses for children and teenagers aged between 4 – 16 years old. Our lessons are for 6 to 16 year olds. The services provided under these terms of business relate to:  

Online Handwriting Lessons:
Taster lesson

Your child will get:

  • 1 session via Zoom or Microsoft Teams lasting 45 minutes each. Such sessions to be agreed in advance with you by booking through our online appointment service run by Calendly, and can be 3 sessions a week, 2 sessions a week, weekly or fortnightly;
Block of 6 lessons

Your child will get:

  • 6 one-to-one sessions via Zoom or Microsoft Teams lasting 45 minutes each. Such sessions to be agreed in advance with you by booking through our online appointment service run by Calendly, and can be 3 sessions a week, 2 sessions a week, weekly or fortnightly;
Refresher lesson

Your child will get:

  • 1 session via Zoom or Microsoft Teams lasting 45 minutes each. Such sessions to be agreed in advance with you by booking through our online appointment service run by Calendly, and can be 3 sessions a week, 2 sessions a week, weekly or fortnightly;
All lessons:

Your child will get:

  1. 6 one-to-one sessions via Zoom or Microsoft Teams lasting 45 minutes each. Such sessions to be agreed in advance with you by booking through our online appointment service run by Calendly, and can be 3 sessions a week, 2 sessions a week, weekly or fortnightly;
  2. Up to 15-minute parental feedback;
  3. Sessions which include you and your child;
  4. Personalised homework to match your child’s needs should it be required;
  5. Handwriting goals set at each session by an occupational therapist;
  6. Email support between us and yourself;
  7. The opportunity to:
    1. arrange the sessions around a time that fits in with your family life;
    2. access the sessions whether you are in the UK or abroad;
  • on special request obtain an intervention summary which is emailed to you for you to forward to your child’s school. We do not provide written reports. (additional fees may apply).
Goals and Aims

Should you have any specific goals or aims in mind which are not listed above then these will need to be agreed in advance. If you would like a summary report as described above, you will need to submit your request, not less than one month from the last session.

Acceptance of Services

It is important that you are aware that, in providing our services to you, you accept that:

  • You will need to film your child writing for two minutes before the first session and send this to us via email. This will help us analyse their handwriting and the progress they make. The video will be deleted on completion of the sessions;
  • You should remain present in the room with your child throughout the session, or within such distance that you can easily hear the session between us and your child. If you are unable to remain present throughout the session, we recommend that your child is seated in a communal room of the house and that the door to the room is kept open at all times;
  • All services are based on our clinical observations and no standardised tests are performed;
  • If your child is unable to attend a scheduled session, you must provide not less than 48 hours’ notice to Sheilagh Blyth, Director, via email, and we will reschedule the session to a mutually convenient time. Please note that if you fail to provide such notice, we may not be able to reschedule the session, and the session will be forfeited. In such circumstances, you will not receive a refund for the session.  
  • Copies of your child’s work may be used by us, for the purpose of promotional marketing material and/or training. Such work will be anonymised and contain no identifiable data. If, however, you are not happy to consent to such use, please notify our support desk via email at .

Whilst many children experience significant improvements in learning, handwriting style, implementation techniques and confidence we offer no guarantees in respect to results. Each child is different, and results may vary. All services are delivered online, and some children do not progress as well with online delivery.

All services are performed by Help with Handwriting. No services are outsourced.

3. Fees and Payment Terms

The fees for all packages are charged at the time of purchase, and payment is accepted via Stripe. Any VAT to be charged will be clearly stated.

Online Handwriting lessons are delivered as a taster lesson, in blocks of six sessions and a refresher lesson.  


  • Taster – £77
  • Block of 6 lessons – £462
  • Refresher – £77


  • Taster – £88
  • Block of 6 lessons – £528
  • Refresher – £88

All sessions must be used within 6 months from the date of the first lesson.

Should you be running late your Occupational Therapist will wait online for 15 minutes. After this time, if you remain not showing up, the lesson is classed as a DNA (Did Not Attend). No refund for this lesson is allowed. 

4. Intellectual Property Rights

We retain all copyright in any document prepared in the course of carrying out the services specified in these Terms of Business.  As a result you are strictly prohibited from copying in full or in-part any elements of our worksheets.

5. Communications

Communication with you will be via email or telephone unless otherwise agreed in advance. Electronic communications are not totally secure, and we cannot be held responsible for damage or loss caused by viruses. Our usual business hours are 9am until 5pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of these times responses to any communications may not be read or responded to.

Please be aware that as part of the content strategy for our business, social media posts may be uploaded to social channels outside of these hours and so whilst you may see a social presence and engagement we will be unable to respond to emails and enquiries outside of our core business hours.

6. Data Protection

We are committed to protecting your data. Our privacy policy is available at

7. Confidentiality and Retention of Information

Communications between us are confidential. We will take all reasonable steps not to disclose personal information about you and your child save for in circumstances as required by law or by us to perform the internal operations of our business, such as disclosure to an accountant.

Information in respect to you and your child will not be held longer than required by insurance provider obligations.

8. Complaints and Refunds

In accordance with Distance Selling Regulations, you have the right to cancel and obtain a full refund within 14 days from the date of purchase in circumstances where you have not had access to the course material. Refund requests should be made in writing to and a full refund will be provided within 14 working days.

In the event that online content has been provided to you, or one or more training sessions have already taken place within the first 14 days following your purchase, you are still entitled to request a refund, but the value of the lesson(s) shall be deducted from the amount paid by you, along with any reasonable costs which have been borne by us in respect of the administrative costs of enrolling you on the course.

There is no obligation on us to refund any amounts paid where cancellation requests are made following the 14-day cancellation period.

We reserve all rights to cancel the services for any reason without prior notice. In such circumstance, a refund will be provided for the remainder of the lessons as applicable.

It is our aim that you will be content with your purchase. If you have any concerns, you should contact our support desk via email at We agree to look into your complaint carefully and promptly and take reasonable steps to resolve it.

Refunds will be provided in accordance with your statutory rights. 

9. Limitation of Liability

Services are provided to you and your child with reasonable care and skill. Any liability to you is limited to the amount of any fees paid.

We do not and cannot guarantee any specific results in respect to improvement in your child’s handwriting and / or confidence. 

There will not be no liability to you for any delay or failure to perform our obligations if the delay or failure is caused by circumstances outside our reasonable control.

We do not accept liability in respect to the actions of any participants in group sessions.

10. Third Party Rights

No person other than the person provided with a copy of these Terms of Business shall be deemed to have the benefit of the services or have any rights to enforce or rely on any of the terms.

11. Applicable Law

These Terms of Business are our standard terms and conditions of business and should at all times be construed in accordance with English law. The courts of England & Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, or dispute arising out of this engagement or any matter arising from it.

(Last updated 14.06.23)