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Looking for October handwriting ideas?

Then you have come to the right place.

October is one of those funny months. Just as we are getting back into the school routine we also start looking forward to the half term holidays. This is a really important time in the school year. Especially when we are wanting children to learn how to write neatly. Essentially, all October handwriting activities need to be engaging and fun.

Why don’t you use these suggestions to help your child do regular handwriting practice?

Here are 10 October handwriting ideas for your kids by date:

  • 1st October 1971, Walt Disney World opens in Orlando, Florida. How many other Walt Disney parks and resorts can your child write?
  • 7th October 1769, Captain Cook, discovered New Zealand. What does your child know about this country? Get them to write a paragraph.
  • 11th October 1984, the first space walk by an American woman took place. Where would your child like to visit and why they would like to go there?
  • 13th October 1792, construction began on building the White House. How many American landmarks can your child name?
  • 14th October 1926, the children’s book Winnie-the-Pooh is first published. What is your child’s favourite book? Ask them to write a brief book review about why.
  • 18th October 1867, United States purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. This day is celebrated annually as Alaska Day. Ask your child what they would like to buy if they had this amount of money.
  • 21st October 1879, Thomas Edison successfully tested his first electric light bulb. How would your child describe a light bulb to an alien? Ask them to write their answer down.
  • 22nd October 1797, The first recorded parachute jump took place. What country would your child like to parachute into and why? Have them write their answers on lined paper. Is their handwriting neater on this paper?
  • 23rd October 2001, Apple released the iPod. How many other products by Apple can they name?
  • 30th October 1960, The first successful kidney transplant was performed in the UK. How many other body organs can your child name?

I hope you have a lovely October and that these October handwriting ideas bring joy to your house at a time when we start cosying up due to the nights drawing in.

For more handwriting activities and worksheets do check out my DIY Courses.

Picture of Written by Sheilagh Blyth MSc OT (Hons)

Written by Sheilagh Blyth MSc OT (Hons)

Sheilagh is the founder of Help with Handwriting, a children's occupational therapist, handwriting expert and author.
Her and the team at Help with Handwriting help kids across the world have lightbulb moments about their handwriting. Showing them how to make improvements and giving them back their self confidence to have readable handwriting.

"As usual -great ideas!" and "Brilliant – great ideas and explanation, thank you", Linda B.

Wish to be saying the same too?

Picture of Did you know we have a handwriting club?

Did you know we have a handwriting club?

We run a handwriting club for 11-16 year olds featuring bi-monthly lessons, weekly OT feedback, and monthly activity boxes. Helping students worldwide improve their writing skills through guided practice. And it's a Duke of Edinburgh approved option for the Bronze Award.

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