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It's time for some September handwriting ideas.

Well it’s official, school is back everywhere. 

You’re busy checking to see if uniforms fit, buying last-minute pencil cases and dusting off your child’s books, just like every September. In your child’s school, teachers are wondering what their pupils remember after the summer holidays. You, as a parent, are taking a silent sigh of relief as a normal routine resumes. Normality is reassuring you… even if it means a return to the headaches of handwriting issues. 

Help your child get ahead of the game by running through some of these handwriting ideas with them. Each activity takes a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Keep your child’s handwriting practice regular and fun with these short activities. 

Check out these 10 fabulous September handwriting ideas for your child, organised by date:

  • 2nd September 1666 – The Great Fire of London starts and destroys 10,000 homes. Can your child write a fire evacuation plan for your home?
  • 4th September 1981 – Beyonce Knowles (singer) is born. How many singers can your child list in 20 seconds?
  • 7th September 1998 – Google, the search engine, begins. Can your child name 10 things that would be hard to find online without using Google?
  • 9th September 1995 – The PlayStation game console is released by Sony in USA. How many video game titles can your child name and write down?
  • 12th September 1957 – NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) begins. NORAD conducts aerospace warnings, and also tracks Santa’s location on 24th December for everyone to see! Has your child started writing their Christmas present list? Get them to start today. However, only the neatest of handwriting will be accepted by Santa!
  • 15th September 1928 – Sir Alexander Fleming observed mould growing in his lab and noticed it killing bacteria. Later, this great finding becomes known as Penicillin. How many words can your child create from the letters in ‘Penicillin’? Try these, for example: in, pen, pencil.
  • 19th September 1982 – First recording of someone using an emoticon 🙂 takes place. How many emoticon feelings can your child name?
  • 23rd September 1846 – Planet Neptune was discovered. Depending on the age of your child, how many astronauts (teens) or planets (younger kids) can your child write down?
  • 24th September 1948 – The Honda Motor Company launches. How many car manufacturers can your child write down in 20 seconds?
  • 30th September 2004 – The first images of a living giant squid in its natural habitat were seen. How many sea creatures can your child name and write down?

Have a great start to the new school year!

I hope your child finds these September handwriting ideas as much fun to complete as I had creating them. 

Picture of Written by Sheilagh Blyth MSc OT (Hons)

Written by Sheilagh Blyth MSc OT (Hons)

Sheilagh is the founder of Help with Handwriting, a children's occupational therapist, handwriting expert and author.
Her and the team at Help with Handwriting help kids across the world have lightbulb moments about their handwriting. Showing them how to make improvements and giving them back their self confidence to have readable handwriting.

"As usual -great ideas!" and "Brilliant – great ideas and explanation, thank you", Linda B.

Wish to be saying the same too?

Picture of Did you know we have a handwriting club?

Did you know we have a handwriting club?

We run a handwriting club for 11-16 year olds featuring bi-monthly lessons, weekly OT feedback, and monthly activity boxes. Helping students worldwide improve their writing skills through guided practice. And it's a Duke of Edinburgh approved option for the Bronze Award.

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