Are there any differences in how left-handed writers write in maths?
For left handed writers, this is one of those yes and no type of answers.
*Some left-handed writers are never shown this and still produce readable writing. If your child is learning to write their numbers, using this approach shown in the diagram may be helpful. If your child is smudging their work, try this technique. But, if your child is happy with how they are forming their numbers, they shouldn’t be changing it.
Knowing how to write the numbers is just the start.
When writing mathematical symbols left handed writers should follow the same rules.
There are a variety of left-handed writer tools that can help in Maths.
One extra thing to bear in mind is where a student is sitting in the classroom. Being left-handed, they will find it more comfortable to sit at the end of a desk. This is so that their elbow is not butting against a right-handed writer.
Is your child left-handed? Looking for handwriting lessons? < here.
I hope this helps all our left-handed writers out there.
P.S. I am a right-handed writer. All this advice has come from a left-handed writer who has kindly shared how they are able to form legible numbers with ease.