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Let the sunny days start to appear with these June handwriting ideas

For many, June is considered summer, barbecue season starts, and the summer wardrobe reappears. Did you know September has, according to weather watchers, more summer ‘sun’ days than June? As I write this, I believe them. We have just had a little rain shower which is a welcoming addition to my garden. 

Whether it is beautiful sunshine or a few rain showers, helping a child improve their handwriting can be achieved anytime, anywhere. The key is to do it ‘little and often’.  Furthermore, keep it meaningful, educational and exciting. Here are this month’s June handwriting ideas.

What can my child write about?

Here are my June handwriting ideas if you want one quick handwriting practice activity. How about writing this month in as many different languages as possible? For instance, I’m starting you off with six here:

  1. Spanish: En junio
  2. Italian: Giugno
  3. French: Juin
  4. German: Juni
  5. Polish: Czerwiec
  6. Latin: Junius

Alternatively, here are 5 other June handwriting ideas by date for you:

5th June 1883. The first regularly scheduled Orient Express train left Paris for Vienna. How many major cities or capitals can your child name in 30 seconds?

9th June 2006. Disney’s ‘Cars’ film was released. Looking out of a window, how many cars can your child see? Can they write their colour and make?

11th June 1509. Henry VIII of England married Catherine of Aragon. What does your child know about Henry VIII? Furthermore, could they write a paragraph about him?

12th June 1942. Anne Frank received a diary for her 13th birthday. What diary entry could your child be writing about today? 

15th June 1752. Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning is electricity. Name 3 natural ways we are using the earth to create energy today.

And then for the end of the month another 5 ideas:

19th June 1846. The first official recording of a basketball game occurred. Write 10 team sports.

20th June 1837. Queen Victoria came to the British throne. How many members of the British royal family can your child write? Answers can allow past and present members.

24th June 1916. Mary Pickford became the first female film star to sign a million-dollar contract. I know that was in 1916! Write a review of the last film they saw or their favourite film.

25th June 1949. Bugs Bunny was first shown in a cartoon. The film was called ‘Long Haired Hare’. How many words be made from these three words? For example, gone, air, liar etc.

26th June 1906. The first Grand Prix motor racing event was held in France. How many countries can your child name that holds a Grand Prix today?

I hope you and your child have fun completing these June handwriting ideas. 

Happy summer to you all and I hope you enjoy your barbecues in the garden. Further reading on hypermobility learning difficulties.

Try Our Summer Handwriting challenge freebie.

Picture of Written by Sheilagh Blyth MSc OT (Hons)

Written by Sheilagh Blyth MSc OT (Hons)

Sheilagh is the founder of Help with Handwriting, a children's occupational therapist, handwriting expert and author.
Her and the team at Help with Handwriting help kids across the world have lightbulb moments about their handwriting. Showing them how to make improvements and giving them back their self confidence to have readable handwriting.

"As usual -great ideas!" and "Brilliant – great ideas and explanation, thank you", Linda B.

Wish to be saying the same too?

Picture of Did you know we have a handwriting club?

Did you know we have a handwriting club?

We run a handwriting club for 11-16 year olds featuring bi-monthly lessons, weekly OT feedback, and monthly activity boxes. Helping students worldwide improve their writing skills through guided practice. And it's a Duke of Edinburgh approved option for the Bronze Award.

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